Ice for hospitals - Scotsman Ice Systems

Surprising Uses for Ice in Hospitals

Ice is everywhere in our world, in our drinks, on shelves, at restaurants and cafes, and believe it or not, it is also used to a great extent in hospitals. Yes there are cafes and restaurants in these institutions, and it stands to reason that they would need a steady supply of ice to properly…

Ice machines - Scotsman Ice Systems

How Complicated Could an Ice Machine Be?

Ice – water that is frozen into a solid state, which can appear a transparent or opaque bluish colour depending on the presence of impurities. Simple enough right? Then how complicated can an ice machine possibly be? In goes the water and out it comes, frozen in a solid state, right? Not entirely, there’s more…

Ice blocks | Scotsman Ice Systems

Cool Facts About Ice

Cool Facts About Ice At Scotsman Ice Systems we are passionate about all things ice, in many ways, life on Earth depends on ice. This is because it provides most of the world’s fresh water supply, which keeps global sea levels from rising disastrously. Here are a few more interesting and super cool facts about…

Dear Sonto Thank you very much for delivering the 2 ice machines. Andrew just delivered. Thank you so much for sterling service! I hope you have a lovely day further  Kind Regards, Grethe Augustyn

The Role of Ice In Cup | Scotmans Ice Systems

The Role of Ice In Medicine

The Role of Ice In Medicine We all know the general role of ice in our daily lives, we find ice cubes in our freezers, we find them in our cold drinks at the fast food joints and we use them in a bag when we have hurt our muscles or joints. Or we know…